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Identifier:669910016589role: UPC
Title:Retail Therapy
Description:Morgana Ancone conceived Morgana and the Monstars in 2001 after the demise of ARIA nominated all girl rock outfit Nitocris. In her reflective period, Morgana combined the likes of 13 musicians, producers and engineers to work on an eclectic project, releasing an Album titled 'Meet the Monstars' (MGM Distribution)."The emotional tone of the album is central to its success. Everything is on display here, the honesty can be gut-wrenching. These songs are about a real world where pain and confusion and joy and reason all meet to form the substance of life" (Robert Shaw) After being swallowed by a giant 50ft woman, Morgana returned to writing rock songs again. In Turn Recording Her 6 Track EP 'Retail Therapy'…(MGM Distribution) The Ep Guest spots some greart aussie talent featuring members of hard rock outfit Bug Dust , Natascha Adams(shmut) , Muk(Debbie and ex dogbouy)and Ben Sherwood (the all ordinaries). "Retail Therapy" has expanded The Musical relationship between "lush self-contained emotional soundscape's" (Robert Shaw) on her first album and heavy rock. Bringing forth a new style of dark rock, bordering on alternative yet serving POP in its purest essence on a stained black sheet.
Contributor:The Monstarsrole: Record Label
Contributor:The MonStarsrole: Artist
Entity Type:album
Extent:00:22:57Vocabulary: dmsvExtentTypes
role: playing time medium
Source:The Orchard
Language:EnglishVocabulary: dmLanguages
Has Part:1 Rainy Daynavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500001
Has Part:2 Sistarnavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500002
Has Part:3 Laddernavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500003
Has Part:4 Make Menavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500004
Has Part:5 Can't Standnavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500005
Has Part:6 Goodbyenavigate: THEMON/AUUQ00500006
Has Sample: image
Rights:2005 MonStars

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