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Title:Folksong Arragments
Subject:Pieśni , sopran , Anglia , 20 w.
Subject:Pieśni , tenor , Anglia , 20 w.
Subject:Muzyka wokalna , sopran
Subject:Muzyka wokalna , tenor
Table Of Contents:La belle est au jardin d'amour (Volume 2 No. 5) ; Le roi s'en va-t'en chasse (2/4) ; Voici le printemps (2/2) ; La fileuse (2/3) ; Quand j'etais chez mon p~0ere (2/8) / Sophie Wyss - soprano, Benjamin Britten - piano
Table Of Contents:The Salley Gardens (Irish Tune (1/1) ; Little Sir William (Somerset Folk Song) (1/2) ; Oliver Cromwell (Nursey Rhyme from Suffolk) (1/7) ; The Ash Grove (Welsh Tune) (1/6) ; The Bonny Earl o' Moray (Scottish Tune) ; Heigh ho, heigh hi! (2/8) ; Sweet Polly Oliver (Old English Tune) (3/3) ; There's none to soothe (Hullah's Song-Book: Scottish) (3/2) ; The Plough Boy (Tune by W. Shield) (3/1) ; Come you not from Newcastle? (Hullah's Song-Book: English) (3/7) ; The Foggy, Foggy Dew (from Suffolk) (3/5) ; The King is gone a-hunting (2/4) ; O Waly, Waly (from Somerset) / Peter Pears - tenor, Benjamin Britten - piano
Contributor:Benjamin Brittenrole: Creator
Contributor:Sophie Wyss - sopranorole: Performer
Contributor:Peter Pears - tenorrole: Performer
Contributor:Benjamin Britten - fort.role: Performer
Entity Type:Track
Entity Type:track
Format:CDVocabulary: dmFormats
Language:angielskiVocabulary: dmLanguages
Language:francuskiVocabulary: dmLanguages

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