Detail view


Identifier:884385616595role: UPC
Title:L'Ecole de Paris: Tansman, Harsanyi, Martinu; Kammerensemble de Paris, dir. Armin Jordan
Genre:Chamber Music
Contributor:VDE-GALLOrole: Record Label
Contributor:Kammerensemble de Paris & Armin Jordanrole: Artist
Contributor:Cornelia Reich (Release Artist)
Contributor:Clara Novakova (Release Artist)
Contributor:Jean-Louis Capezzali (Release Artist)
Contributor:Philippe Cuper (Release Artist)
Contributor:Pascal Gallois (Release Artist)
Contributor:Henri Lescouret (Release Artist)
Contributor:Pascal Clarhaut (Release Artist)
Contributor:Daniel Catalanotti (Release Artist)
Contributor:Jean-Claude Bouveresse (Release Artist)
Contributor:Christophe Poiget (Release Artist)
Contributor:Philippe Dussol (Release Artist)
Contributor:Joël Soultanian (Release Artist)
Contributor:Hugh Mackenzie (Release Artist)
Contributor:Odile Bourin (Release Artist)
Contributor:Bernard Cazauran (Release Artist)
Contributor:Alexandre Tansman (Release Artist)
Contributor:Tibor Harsanyi (Release Artist)
Contributor:Bohuslav Martinu (Release Artist)
Contributor:Kammerensemble de Paris (Release Artist)
Contributor:Armin Jordan (Release Artist)
Entity Type:album
Extent:00:53:50Vocabulary: dmsvExtentTypes
role: playing time medium
Source:The Orchard
Language:EnglishVocabulary: dmLanguages
Has Part:1 Septuor pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, trompette, alto et violoncelle: Allegro Moltonavigate: VDE/CH1409272901
Has Part:2 Septuor pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, trompette, alto et violoncelle: Lentonavigate: VDE/CH1409272902
Has Part:3 Septuor pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, trompette, alto et violoncelle: Prestonavigate: VDE/CH1409272903
Has Part:4 Nonette pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, 2 violons, alto et violoncelle: Allegronavigate: VDE/CH1409272904
Has Part:5 Nonette pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, 2 violons, alto et violoncelle: Andantenavigate: VDE/CH1409272905
Has Part:6 Nonette pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, 2 violons, alto et violoncelle: Allegro Scherzandonavigate: VDE/CH1409272906
Has Part:7 Nonette pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, 2 violons, alto et violoncelle: Allegro Risolutonavigate: VDE/CH1409272907
Has Part:8 Nonette H.374 pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, violon, alto, violoncelle et contrebasse: Poco Allegronavigate: VDE/CH1409272908
Has Part:9 Nonette H.374 pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, violon, alto, violoncelle et contrebasse: Andantenavigate: VDE/CH1409272909
Has Part:10 Nonette H.374 pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson, cor, violon, alto, violoncelle et contrebasse: Allegrettonavigate: VDE/CH1409272910
Has Sample: image
Rights:1994 VDE-GALLO

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