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Title:Wingy Manone, vol 1.
Contributor:Manone, Wingyrole: Artist
Contributor:Hodges, Johnnyrole: Artist
Contributor:Manone, Wingyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Bailey, "Buster" Williamrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Berry, Churole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Lanoue, Conradrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Cole, Cozyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Barker, Dannyrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Cassard, Julesrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Matlock, Mattyrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Marsala, Joerole: Musician
Instrument: Altsaxofon
Contributor:Brunies, Georgerole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Shapiro, Artierole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Alvin, Dannyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Fetterer, Gusrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Scott, Buckrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Hughes, Ernierole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Julian, Zebrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Jacobs, Sidrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Miller, Eddierole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Lamare, Nappyrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Bauduc, Rayrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Powell, Melrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Mastren, Carmenrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Morgan, Alrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Singleton, Zuttyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Russin, Baberole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Covey, Billrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Bowman, Baberole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Wrightsman, Stanrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Soule, Russellrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Jones, Billyrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Cornell, Richardrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:RCArole: Record Label
Date:1900-talet evt/1930-taletVocabulary: dmEras
Entity Type:Album

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