Detail view


Title:The Goodman Touch
Contributor:Goodman, Bennyrole: Artist
Contributor:Hawkins, Colemanrole: Artist
Contributor:Goodman, Bennyrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Christian, Charlierole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Wilson, Teddyrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Crawford, Jimmyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Rowles, Jimmyrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Todd, Tommyrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Babasin, Harryrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Romersa, Tommyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Weiss, Sidrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Cole, Cozyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Powell, Melrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Gray, Eddierole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Clayton, Buckrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Collins, Shadrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Wells, Dickierole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Minor, Danrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Morton, Bennyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Green, Freddierole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Page, Walterrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Jones, Jorole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Basie, Countrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Swaggierole: Record Label
Date:1900-talet evt/1940-taletVocabulary: dmEras
Entity Type:Album

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