Detail view


Title:Bix MCMLIX
Contributor:Cathcart, Dickrole: Artist
Contributor:Cathcart, Dickrole: Musician
Instrument: Voc
Contributor:Pederson, Tommyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Clark, Mahlonrole: Musician
Instrument: Klarinett
Contributor:Gordon, Justinrole: Musician
Instrument: Tenorsax
Contributor:Bundock, Rowlandrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:Gibbons, Bobbyrole: Musician
Instrument: Guitar
Contributor:Fatool, Nickrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Slatkin, Felixrole: Musician
Instrument: cello
Contributor:Lube, Danrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Getzoff, Jamesrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Baker, Israelrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Arno, Victorrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Roman, Isadorrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Vinci, Geraldrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Russell, Mischarole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Harshman, Allanrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Dinkin, Alvinrole: Musician
Instrument: violin
Contributor:Slatkin, Eleanorrole: Musician
Instrument: cello
Contributor:Reher, Kurtrole: Musician
Instrument: cello
Contributor:Beach, Frankrole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Werth, Georgerole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Wendt, Georgerole: Musician
Instrument: Trumpet
Contributor:Ulyate, Lloydrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Shroyer, Kennyrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Kusby, Edrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Noel, Dickrole: Musician
Instrument: Trombone
Contributor:Smith, Paulrole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Stoller, Alvinrole: Musician
Instrument: Trummor
Contributor:Hughes, Ernierole: Musician
Instrument: Piano
Contributor:Corb, Montyrole: Musician
Instrument: Bas
Contributor:WBrole: Record Label
Date:1900-talet evt/1950-taletVocabulary: dmEras
Entity Type:Album

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