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Identifier:669910425060role: UPC
Title:Pontevedra París 1912
Genre:Art/FolkVocabulary: dmGenres
Genre:Popular/FolkVocabulary: dmGenres
Genre:Folk Music/FolkVocabulary: dmGenres
Genre:Traditional Folk
Instrument:pianoVocabulary: dmfInstruments
Instrument:fiddleVocabulary: dmfInstruments
Performance Context:20'sVocabulary: dmsvPerformanceContext
Performance Context:ReminiscingVocabulary: dmsvPerformanceContext
Performance Context:Sweet DreamsVocabulary: dmsvPerformanceContext
Description:His success was such, that in April 1912 he recorded his first records for the Gramophone and the Typewriter Company in Paris. In May 1928 he recorded his own works in Camden. These are the recordings presented here. His interpretation is at all times of the utmost delicacy, up to the last detail. The sound quality is constant with extremely clear diction, a rare class. Precise, agile tuning in harmonic and continuous double stop passages, a technique he enjoyed a lot. His much-acclaimed domain of the bow is reflected in his relaxed fluidity. The duration of the recordings is defined by the technical devices available at that time, which were limited to a little more than three minutes. In some cases, due to a lack of documentation, there are doubts as to who the pianist accompanying him is. Marta Lehman is always present where accredited, but there is also the possibility that in some of the first recordings it was José Iturbi. His works were of a Latin American nature (“Segunda guajira”), tzigano (“Danza española”) or a melodic, lyrical nature (“Canto amoroso”) They are works that are made to measure in which the virtuoso goes through his favourite techniques to delight in them. We would also like to highlight the high quality of the composition and harmonisation of the piano accompaniments, which were generally absent with virtuoso composers such as Sarasate, Wieniawski, Ernst and Kreisler.
Contributor:Ouvirmosrole: Record Label
Contributor:Manuel Quiroga and Marta Lemanrole: Artist
Entity Type:Takedown
Extent:00:36:54Vocabulary: dmsvExtentTypes
role: playing time medium
Source:The Orchard
Language:EnglishVocabulary: dmLanguages
Has Part:1 Capricho Jotanavigate: OUVI/ES7700410601
Has Part:2 Souvenir para Violin e Piano en Re Mnavigate: OUVI/ES7700410602
Has Part:3 Miramar para Violin e Piano Op.42navigate: OUVI/ES7700410603
Has Part:4 Souvenir de Moscou, Op.6navigate: OUVI/ES7700410604
Has Part:5 La Ronde des Lutins, Op.25navigate: OUVI/ES7700410605
Has Part:6 Danzas Espanolas para Violin e Piano, Op.22: no.2navigate: OUVI/ES7700410606
Has Part:7 Blumenleben (6), Op.30: no: 5navigate: OUVI/ES7700410607
Has Part:8 Jota Navarranavigate: OUVI/ES7700410608
Has Part:9 Segunda Guajiranavigate: OUVI/ES7700410609
Has Part:10 Danza Espagnola para Violin e Pianonavigate: OUVI/ES7700410610
Has Part:11 Rondallanavigate: OUVI/ES7700410611
Has Part:12 Canto Amorosonavigate: OUVI/ES7700410612
Has Sample: image
Rights:2004 Ouvirmos S.L.

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