Detail view


Contributor:Arif Mardin [Dir]role: Performer
Contributor:Lennart Axelsson [Tp]role: Performer
Contributor:Ingolf Burkhardt [Tp]role: Performer
Contributor:Claus Stötter [Tp]role: Performer
Contributor:Reiner Winterschladenrole: Performer
Contributor:Joe Gallardo [Pos]role: Performer
Contributor:Nils Landgren [Pos]role: Performer
Contributor:Stefan Lotterman [Pos]role: Performer
Contributor:Ed Partyka [Pos]role: Performer
Contributor:Fiete Felsch [Sax]role: Performer
Contributor:Peter Bolte [Sax]role: Performer
Contributor:Christof Lauer [Sax]role: Performer
Contributor:Lutz Büchner [Sax]role: Performer
Contributor:Stefan Pfeifer [Sax]role: Performer
Contributor:Stephan Dietz [Git]role: Performer
Contributor:Vladyslav Sendecki [Kl]role: Performer
Contributor:Lucas Lindholm [Bass]role: Performer
Contributor:Wolfgang Haffner [Schlz]role: Performer
Contributor:Duke Ellington [Sprache]role: Creator
Contributor:Mercer Ellington [Arr]role: Creator
Contributor:Arif Mardin [Arr]role: Creator
Contributor:NDR Bigbandrole: Performer
Date:20th century CE/1990sVocabulary: dmEras
Entity Type:Track
is part of:Ellingtonianavigate: KKA/MED000050717

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