Detail view


Collection Identifier:EMEM:ORIGINALARCHIV
Title:Original Archive
Alternative Title:Originalarchiv
Description:Original or rare multi-format collections documenting traditional music and world music from all continents. Collections include field recordings, concert recordings, interviews, photos, videos.
Size:846 collections
ItemType:Still Image
ItemType:Moving Image
Item Format:Audio TapeVocabulary:
Item Format:Video2000Vocabulary:
Item Format:VHSVocabulary:
Item Format:SVCDVocabulary:
Item Format:Umatic LBVocabulary:
Item Format:VCRVocabulary:
Item Format:Hi8Vocabulary:
Item Format:Mini-DVVocabulary:
Item Format:S-VHSVocabulary:
Item Format:BetacamVocabulary:
Item Format:BetacamSPVocabulary:
Item Format:BetamaxVocabulary:
Item Format:CDVocabulary:
Item Format:DATVocabulary:
Item Format:FileVocabulary:
Rights:The legal situation is dependent of the varied uses of copies. Rightsholder: State Museums Berlin - Foundation of Prussian Cultural Heritage
Access Rights:In principle the Original Archive is open to all researchers, students, and other persons interested in traditional music. Accessibility is dependent on the agreements concluded with the individual collectors.
Europeana Rights:
Region Allowed:~
Region Prohibited:~
Accrual Method:PurchaseVocabulary:
Accrual Periodicity:continuousVocabulary:
Accrual Periodicity:irregularVocabulary:
Accrual Policy:ActiveVocabulary:
Custodial History:
Audience:Researchers, students, journalists and interested public.Vocabulary:
Subject:original recordingsVocabulary:
Subject:field recordingsVocabulary:
Genre:Folk MusicVocabulary:
Genre:Popular MusicVocabulary:
Genre:Art MusicVocabulary:
Performance Context:Vocabulary:
Performance Setting:solo (vocal, instrumental, vocal & instrumental)Vocabulary:
Performance Setting:ensemble (vocal, instrumental, vocal & instrumental)Vocabulary:
Spatial Coverage:Vocabulary:
Temporal Coverage:Vocabulary:
Cultural Coverage:Vocabulary:
Dates Collection Accumulated:1952-2007Vocabulary:
Dates Items Created:Vocabulary:
Contributor:EMEMrole: Owner
Contributor:State Museums Berlin - Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundationrole:
Place:Germanyrole: storage
Vocabulary: dmPlaceRoles
Is Accessed Via:
Is Accessed Via:Visitor Service of EMEM; requires personal call or e-mail reservation.
Is Accessed Via:Ethnomusicology Department of the Ethnological Museum, Arnimallee 23-27, D-14195 Berlin
Super-Collection:EMEM:Ethnomusicology, Media-Technology and Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
Catalogue or Index:Dieter Christensen [ed.]: Katalog der Tonaufnahmen M1 - M2000 der Musikethnologischen Abteilung, unter Mitarbeit von H.-J. Jordan, Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin 1970.
Associated Collection:
Associated Publication:
Audio Samples included:Yes
Object Metadata searchable:Yes
IPR License:
IPR Email
Europeana Source Name:Ethnomusicology Department of the Ethnological Museum, State Museums Berlin - Foundation of Prussian Cultural Heritage

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