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Identifier:ECM 1457 511 959-2
Title:Conte de l'incroyable amour
Subject:Muzyka arabska
Table Of Contents:1. Etincelles. 2. Le chien sur les genoux de la devineresse. 3. L'oiseau de bois. 4. Lumi~0ere du silence. 5. Conte de l'incroyable amour. 6. Peshrev Hidjaz Homayoun. 7. Diversion. 8. Nayzak. 9. Battements. 10. En souvenir d'Iram. 11. Iram retrouv~'ee. 12. Epilogue
Contributor:Anouar Brahem - muz.role: Composer
Contributor:oudrole: Creator
Contributor:Barbaros Erk~:ose - clarinetrole: Performer
Contributor:Kudsi Erguner - nairole: Performer
Contributor:Lassad Hosni - bendirrole: Performer
Contributor:darboukarole: Creator
Contributor:Anouar Brahemrole: Creator
Contributor:ECMrole: Publisher
Entity Type:Album
Format:CDVocabulary: dmFormats
Format:Pł. comp.,(59'28) , DDD
Place:M~:unchenrole: publication

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