Detail view


Identifier:884385181352role: UPC
Title:Scythian Suite / Romeo and Juliet
Genre:Art/SymphonyVocabulary: dmGenres
Genre:Popular/SymphonyVocabulary: dmGenres
Genre:Folk Music/SymphonyVocabulary: dmGenres
Contributor:Radioservisrole: Record Label
Contributor:Prague Radio Symphony Orchestrarole: Artist
Contributor:Sergej Prokofjev (Release Artist)
Contributor:Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra (Release Artist)
Entity Type:album
Extent:01:13:20Vocabulary: dmsvExtentTypes
role: playing time medium
Source:The Orchard
Language:EnglishVocabulary: dmLanguages
Has Part:1 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 - The Adoration of Veles and Alanavigate: RADI/USA560899145
Has Part:2 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 - The Enemy God and the Dance of the Spirits of Darknessnavigate: RADI/USA560899146
Has Part:3 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 - The Nightnavigate: RADI/USA560899147
Has Part:4 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 - The Glorious Departure of Lolly and the Procession of the Sunnavigate: RADI/USA560899148
Has Part:5 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Montagues and Capulets (Suite 2/1)navigate: RADI/USA560899149
Has Part:6 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Juliet, the Little Girl (Suite 2/2)navigate: RADI/USA560899150
Has Part:7 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Masks (Suite 1/5)navigate: RADI/USA560899151
Has Part:8 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Romeo and Juliet (Balcony Scene, Suite 1/6)navigate: RADI/USA560899152
Has Part:9 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Friar Laurence (Suite 2/3)navigate: RADI/USA560899153
Has Part:10 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Dance of the Antilles'Girls (Suite 2/6)navigate: RADI/USA560899154
Has Part:11 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Death of Tybalt (Suite 1/7)navigate: RADI/USA560899155
Has Part:12 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Dance (Suite 2/4)navigate: RADI/USA560899156
Has Part:13 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Madrigal (Suite 1/3)navigate: RADI/USA560899157
Has Part:14 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Minuet (Suite 1/4)navigate: RADI/USA560899158
Has Part:15 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Romeo and Juliet Before Parting (Suite 2/5)navigate: RADI/USA560899159
Has Part:16 Romeo and Juliet Scenes from the Ballet, Op. 64 - Romeo and Juliet's Grave (Suite 2/7)navigate: RADI/USA560899160
Has Sample: image
Rights:2007 Radioservis

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